Ragamuffin Gal

".. from my ragged heart to yours"

November 4, 2012

ZuZu's Petals

Remember that scene in the movie "It's A Wonderful Life" where George Bailey stuffs the flower petals from Zuzu's rose into his pocket?  Then later George is distraught when the petals are no longer there.  They had become precious to him as they represented his life with his beloved daughter.  To the rest of the world they may have seemed trivial and insignificant, but to George they were important.

This past week I received something just as precious, at least to me.  The petals came in the form of a handwritten note from a now fourth grade student.  As a teacher you never know how you touch or affect your students.  You always hope it is for the good, but sometimes you never know and you can begin to doubt yourself. 

 I have carried this note around with me all week and I was very concerned when at one point I had misplaced it.  

The note simply said: 
"Just wanted to write and say thank you for always thinking of me. You have made a difference in my life.  You were one of the best teachers I have ever had.  I'm so glad we have another year together here at high point. I will always have you in my heart and come see you.  Thank you again for caring for me.
Love Your Student,  ..."

I will keep this note, like Zuzu's petals, to remind me that even when I think no one sees or cares, there are always some who do!  I pray that you will  be blessed beyond measure by someone today, this week, or in the very near future! It really IS a WoNderFuL LiFe!

Blessings Dear Ones,


~*~Patty S said...

ooo thank you so much dear Katie for sharing such a precious heartfelt note with us...
it is also a reminder that we do touch lives more than we realize...
what a special student
Happy November Dear One!

dulcy said...

And that's why we teach!!


Kateyed said...

Beautiful, dear Katie.
Does not surprise me at all!

Patti Edmon Artist said...

What a gift - I can only imagine how many lives you have touched!
Hope you're doing well and enjoying the holidays!