Ragamuffin Gal

".. from my ragged heart to yours"

February 26, 2011

OWOH Winnings!

Sharing my good fortune
from participating in 
the OWOH event!
From Rian

Necklace and Art Doll
from Wanda
I feel so fortunate and blessed.
A huge thank you to Wanda and Rian!


Anonymous said...

Lucky girl ~ love all the prizes ~ must take a look at those wonderful blogs!

Suz said...

What fun, katie! Enjoy, my friend.

dulcy said...

Good Morning!

Love, love your new Etsy shop! It's just darling the way you have it set up! Also, your winnings are fabulous. Hope your enjoying this "lovely" weekend....

~*~Patty S said...

BIG Congratulations dear Katie...these lovely prizes could not have gone to a sweeter and more deserving person!
Happy Sunday Dear One

Dorthe said...

Wonderfull prizes- I love them both-congratulations.

Jeanie said...

Wow -- you were lucky! These are all terrific -- and with your wonderful offering, well you deserved it!

Marie Lost Bird Studio said...

Hi Katie,
wonderful prizes you won! Enjoy.
Received your gorgeous fabric collage!!!!! Thank you soooo
much.Have a great day.
Big hugs to you,

Lynne Moncrieff said...

Hi Katie
What amazing "prizes".
I am so glad I joined OWOH not only because I am receiving amazing prizes in the mail but it is because of the warmth generated from this event, quite remarkable.
There is a hint of Springtime in the air today which is lovely.
Have a wonderful week my friend.

Relyn Lawson said...

Yay! Lucky you.


Oh so glad you like them:)

Patti said...

Katie~ HOW in the WORLD do you have the time and the energy to blog and visit and create all that you do?? You must never sleep! And also- I am in love with your font- it is awesome! Have a wonderful day- hope it is not as rainy and cold and overcast as Chicago is!