Dear Friends,
As I take down the last of our Christmas decorations (O'k.. almost the last... the snow people are safe for a few more weeks) I always think of the long chilly weeks ahead. When I was in college, my friend Melissa and I use to beat these seeming long periods of winter activity drought with concerts in our room. We would lip sync along with some of the very best songs. Imagine the part in the movie P.S. I Love You, (where Hilary is dress in her husband's boxer shorts and few other needed costume assessories) singing her lungs out with into a kitchen utensil microphone.

As I watched Mark pack up the last of the outdoor lights,
I checked email
and what did I find?
An email from Teresa McFayden announcing the Silver Bella's Winter Ezine!!!
I went to her website and found several creative ways to beat the winter
"waiting for a snow day, couped up in the house too cold to get out,
No good movies on the Dish,
not feeling in the mood for anything
because nothing is exciting" blues.
Click here
to find out more about what I am talking about.
Please leave me a comment telling me what
YOU like to do to get through these long
Winter Weeks ~ I would love to hear your answers!
As for me I am off to make chocolate chip pancakes

(that I watched Paula Dean make yesterday)
Read. Read. Read. and read.
Would love to hear some of your suggestions ~ haven't gotten your Goodreads update lately and would love to hear some reviews.
I had a lovely time on Friday with you and Sloane!
Hi Katie,
I just found out about the new e-zine today, and am very excited to begin! And I'm going to try very hard to just think of this winter time as time to relax and savor the slower pace. And read, too, as Relyn said!
What a treasure of a blog. I'm so happy you stopped by because I have a fun new blog to pore over!
Love, Blicky (Laurel)
I also live in Missouri - a suburb of St. Louis. I enjoy your blog.....I also dread the next couple of months of cold and no sunshine. I would love to read if I had more time, which I probably would if I stayed off this computer!
well since I am am in cali.... I don't have to stay too warm (we get no snow) but we do plan a few trips to the mountains this winter.... as the boys have hardly ever seen it.... SO ... I am hoping to learn to snowboard and break out my WI fit..... YOGA here I come :) thanks for missing me - I checked in about twice (over the break) to see what you were up to but did not comment :( < bad anna...bad> HAppy New Year My DEAR KATIE!!! xoxo anna
I have been so busy trying to get my feet wet again with drawing!I always have had a fear of it! I have some eye candy to show you, please drop by to take a peek I am in the process of a new collaborated sketch/digital design. I need your support!
Paula Dean does know how to cook, doesn't she! I used to pass the long winter days cooking and baking. Yummy. I live in Florida now so......
Read something for fun (I'm writing my dissertation and need a break). Let me comment that those are the best looking pancakes I've ever seen!
I'm really trying to get some sewing projects started but this darn computer seems to call my name. I'm determined to start reading again. For about a year I've been unable to concentrate so I have the new Anne Rivers Siddons book. If it's good, I'd love to loan it. I'll let you know. Have a great week back at school. Jan
I would like to finish the stack of GREAT books I have beside my bed, wrapped in warm blankies on the couch, surrounded by my children playing, with hot coffee or cocoa in hand.
you got an award - come by and pick it up :)
Ohhhhhhh I want some of those pancakes, they look delicious! I think to get me through the long winter days I'm coming to stay at your house!! Mandy x
How did the pancakes turn out...YUM!
Minestrone soup! I'm off to make a pot of it now!
Paula Dean, she's a great cook and those pancakes look fabulous.
Thinking of you....
Hope your creativity is soaring high and wide!
Tag my friend (I usually don't do this...but...)
So here's what you have to do....
1 - Link back to the blog that tagged you
2 - Make a list of 6 (un)interesting things about yourself
3 - Tag five other blogs, and let them know by leaving them a comment
Katie I posted for you on my blog today.
i love that movie & paula deen always makes me drool!
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