In the Midst of Winter,

There was in Me

~ Albert Camus
This has always been one of my most favorite quotes

whether through pen, or paint, or glue and paper. For a while
I created poetry and found this poem while reading for inspiration in my early teens. I didn't know it then,
but I had the gift of Faith.
Faith that things will change and get better ~Always,
for every cold winter ~ summer will come,
For every death ~ A resurrection,
for every depression ~ a moment of awakening to joy,
for every disappointment ~ a celebration!
I have faith in the goodness and faithfulness of God!
I found a story in a book I am currently reading that illustrates
this so wonderfully ~ In the book:
Becoming the Answer To Our Prayers,
Shane Claiborne writes:
" ...We have created a way of life that does not need miracles.
We get hungry, we go to a store,
when we get sick, we go to a hospital.
But when people have little, they still believe
and rely on miracles to survive. A friend of mine was working down in
Latin America in a health clinic. They had very little supplies and one day
ran out of everything except a bottle of Pepto-Bismol.
So when people showed up with all sorts of illnesses
and injuries, all they could give them was Pepto-Bismol.
And people were getting healed !
A crowd of folks gathered from all over,
and he said somehow that little bottle never ran out."
And this is the kind of faith I strive to have!
I have been having so much fun getting out and meeting
new bloggers through the One World One Heart Event
If you would like to be a part ~ please click on the badge
on the post right before this one and join in on the Fun!
Blessings, Katie
Frothy White Window from Reddy, Girl in the snowy night from Rose Hardy, Vintage photo from personal collection.

oh, what a joy to read this post -especially on a day like today. I want to have that kind of faith, too. I love it when you post quotes and photos.
great post!! beautiful imagery.... great story telling! you are awesome katie :) xoxo anna
ps love your new blog banner :)
Hi Sweetie!
Third day out, and I'm just loving every minute of this "down time." Something very good for me right now. Hopes for coffee tomorrow...
Loved this post & I needed it as I'm stumbling around the house at 5:00 (that would be a.m.). I'm doing fine -- just don't sleep very well. Thanks & enjoy your snow days. Me
What a great post! Always so inspiring. I was enjoying the photos and then cracked up when I saw the Pepto Bismol - reading made complete sense though! Thanks for sharing.
Hi Katie...your blog is so pretty, love the post! thanks for visiting my blog..that is me, thrifty! I'm still working on organizing. Kids are out for the 3rd day in a row, so I've got them working too, heehee
Hi~ This post is beautiful with the images and the quote- I love it! Great story too! Stay warm!
I love each of the images you choose for this post. Where oh where was the amazing, frothy white shop window? That's one of my most favorite quotes, too.
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