Dear Friends ~*
When I joined Blicky Kitty's Valentine's Karm-a-thon
earlier this week, I thought I had already decided what
and who I was going to blog about for it.
But then...
I met Eureka in all places ~ Wal Mart
(where I hardly ever go to, "don't even get me started",
just went by to buy a DVD of Fireproof for Valentine's Day)
I was checking out the art supply aisle
when I heard a voice behind me say,
"my daughter likes to make things with beads"
I turned around and there stood a wide smile
on a face missing a few teeth, make up, and
framed with long matted hair.
Her body had long gave up the battle for taking care of it, and was covered
in sweats, and pushing a cart loaded with Valentine items.
(Quite a contrast to "seemingly by all outward appearances to superior
and humble"
(this is where you LOL)
standing there polish and so clean in a black trench coat
with freshly pedicured toenails)
"Having a hobby is always a good thing," I said politely
yet uncommittedly back to her.
What happened next was a totally unexpected
impromtu friendly conversation
about her making baby quilts, and how working with
your hands on creating things for others is
the best stress reliever.
Then she called out,
"Hey gorgeous! I'm over here!"
A very shy handsome man in his mid-forties peeked
down the aisle and waved.
That's my husband, and tomorrow we will be celebrating
24 years of being married."
"Congratulations, that something in this day and time!" I responded.
As she strolled down to meet him,
she stopped her cart and stuck out her
chubby unguarded hand for me to shake,
"So very nice to meet you, my name is Eureka!"
I grabbed her hand and lovingly shook it looking into her eyes
and said, "my name is Katie."
And what happened next was totally so out of character for me
(and my semi-Sandra Oh-Grey's character-Christine personality
when it comes to touching strange unknown people)
She pulled me close and bear hugged me for a full 20 seconds!
We continued to part exchanging pleasantries and goodbyes
walking opposite ways down the aisle
until finally we turned our corners
and left in separate directions.
My life was so changed for the better and kinder after that ~
Call it human connection
maybe it was a "God thing"
Or just a touch that sparked and brought out
a bigger joy and love for others
all others for the rest of the day
and it is still lingering in my mind this morning.
A Valentine Karma.
We all can do it, just by reaching out to those around us
and interacting with those who are different and seemingly
have nothing in common with us.
Albert Schweitzer said it this way
"Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again
into flame by an encounter with another human being.
Each of us owes the deepest thanks
to those who have rekindled this inner light."
Thank you doesn't seem adequate to those who have
flamed my light and restored my fire this week,
just to name a few....
Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm
Patricia at The Unfinished Flower
Heather at Creative Solace
My precious Mark
AnD of course...
Blessings my sweet Friends,
What a beautiful story! It is so heartwarming to touch someone's life and this is a wonderful example. The hugs you least expect are the best ones and belong to the best people.
What an amazing and beautiful story! I love those moments of connection. It was undoubtedly just as special a moment for Eureka. You've really captured something special in your karma post.
Here! handing over a plateful of chocolate-covered strawberries Enjoy, and happy Valentine's Day!
that's a great story!! it's amazing what we can see when we remain open minded and open hearted :) You are an inspiration, as always :) xoxo anna
there are no words to do your post justice - I'll just say thanks be to God for people like you.
(glad to be) your pal,
What a wonderful story! It's amazing what twist and turns and surprises life has in store for us. Most importantly is the lesson about looking inward to a person to see what they are about. Happy Valentine's Day!
Maybe Eureka was an angel...what a great happening! Thanks for sharing it! I read "Poisonwood Bible" not so long ago...one of the best reads...right up there with "The Road." You have a Great blog!!!
Wow. That was so wonderful. You were open and responsive to her, Katie. In a cold and indifferent world, that is no small feat. That story really warmed my heart. Love to you this Valentine's season.
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